Sunday, September 30, 2012

Get Fit, Feel Epic Week 4 Summary

It's been a good week! I had a lot going on with work, family stuff, preparing for birthday celebrations, and of course exercising/eating right. While I did have a few opportunities to grab some power naps on some days, most of the rest of the week felt rushed.

Still, I've stayed on task in terms of my workouts and my clean eating, and I'm still feeling great.

I weighed in this morning and lost just under 4 lbs this week (giving me a grand total of 11 lbs lost from starting the Whole Life Challenge). My body is really responding well to all the dietary changes (imagine that!) and I've enjoyed making them without feeling that I've been sacrificing anything. If there are moments when I think about bread or cheese or milk, I know that it's really because they'd be slightly more convenient to grab and eat vs. chopping up veggies to make a salad. Still, I haven't slipped even though there's been a bit more temptation around with D's birthday recently.

I never thought I'd make it this far so easily -- it just goes to show, you can do anything you put your mind to. Life does change -- things get better. It's so worth the effort!

Week 4 (Sep. 24 - 30)

1) C25K: I started Week 5 this week. It went well. As always, it's the voice inside my head that falters a bit, but luckily I seem to be discovering a second stronger voice in my head that tells me to keep going!

2) Nutrition studies: I finally started Chapter 1. It's interesting. I'll keep plugging away at it.

3) Core work: I did my core work everyday except for one day. It's going well, though doing push-ups at 5 a.m. isn't that fun.

4) Balance: I made it to two Body Balance classes this week and I've done my morning yoga each day. It's going great :)

5) Gleason's boxing: I didn't do any of the boxing work this week, but I did do all the core work for Week 2. We've just started boxing classes at the CrossFit Box, so on Saturday I had my first lesson there. I haven't figured out how I'm going to incorporate both trainings or if I'll drop Gleason's and stick with the classes. I'm still trying to decide -- but even though I didn't do Gleason's, I did get 1 boxing training session in - love it!!!

Week 4 Challenge: Try Something New
Well, this week marked a few new things for me - I hope they count. First of all, starting Week 5 in C25K was definitely a new format of running for me to try. I started the new boxing lessons, and I'm feeling like a new person with all the changes in my eating habits -- that's definitely the best new discovery of the week.

On to Week 5! 


  1. Looks like you did good with your goals last week, have a good week!


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