Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Lead Legs

First of all, thanks so much for all the great comments from my progress picture post! I was really touched! Thank you, thank you, thank you! xx


Last night I could barely walk -- I think waddle is a more accurate description. My legs were SO sore! This morning, after a good night's rest, I did feel better ... however, I was still feeling really stiff and achy. I usually only do Body Balance on Wednesdays, but since I knew I wouldn't be working out later in the day, I headed to the gym a bit earlier to do some cardio.

When I got on the treadmill, I could barely move my legs. Running was out of the question, so I just put the incline up to 1% and walked for 1/2 an hour (3 km). It wasn't much, but I knew I needed to move to loosen up those muscles.

Body Balance was painful - again, my legs were so stiff that it was hard for me to ease into the poses like I normally do. However, by the end of class I felt much better.

It was an afternoon of grocery shopping and cooking for me. Last October I met with two friends while I was on the Whole Life Challenge. We talked about my eating, and while it did seem like I cut out a lot of things (ok, I did cut out a lot of things) I wanted to show that it was possible to eat healthy and have your food taste delicious. So, tonight was my night to cook a CLEAN meal for them - and hope that they enjoy it! I think everything came out great, and it was nice to see them leave with leftovers too :)

Appetizer: Hummus with veggies
Main course: Quinoa w/peas, carrots, and red bell peppers; Salad w/tomato, yellow bell pepper, and diced sweet potato - baked in the oven to make them crispy - balsamic/olive oil dressing; Salmon - baked in the oven with herbs and spices [I only ate half the salmon]
Dessert: Greek vanilla yogurt with sliced strawberries (pictured below)

Other food I ate throughout the day:
Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with avocado; Lunch: same as yesterday; Snack: protein shake; Dessert from above pictured here


  1. Your food looks DELICIOUS!!!! You definitely make eating clean look yummy!!! I hope your friends liked it!!!! p.s. don't feel bad about having to walk instead of run when you were sore... I read somewhere that a quick paced walk burns the same as a jog!!! While I have NO idea if that's true, It makes me feel better when I try to run!! I'd rather sprint a short distance and then walk at a fast pace- than jog for a long time!!!

  2. Ayesha, maybe today is break day! I actually think I got much better in the gym when I started having some days completely off of fitness. Just bum a little today. An ounce of bumming is worth a pound of injury--or something like that. :D

    :-) Marion

  3. I always enjoy reading about how you push yourself. It's a great motivator:)

  4. Beautiful pics of the food So healthy too!! Can't wait to see your weigh in tomorrow!!


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